Monday, August 25, 2008

Population Calculator

When I turn 30 six years from now, the population will be 7.4 billion people.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Demographic Growth: The Basics

John Hawks over at the University of Wisconsin, Madison posted a piece that caught my eye on the basics of demographic growth.

In it he reviews the basics of growth: linear versus geometric and instantaneous growth, and what that means for models of human population growth. He writes:
You get the idea: this bank problem is very much like our problem reconstructing ancient demography in human populations. When we consider genetic variation, what we observe in today's genes was affected not only by the population sizes at the signposts that we observed in the past, but by every point in between.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Human Population Growth and the Lack of Public Awareness

I intended for this to be my first post on this blog. It needed a little editing (and still does, in my opinion) before being posted....

Flip on the news, and you’ll see headlines about global warming, rising oil prices, decreasing dollar value, and President Bush’s latest gaffe. You wont, however, hear anything about the world’s population growth. How is it that humanities greatest problem, the unsustainable explosion of human populations, appears to go entirely overlooked? Consider, for example, an excerpt from U Thant, the secretary general of the United Nations in 1973, who wrote:
I do not wish to seem overdramatic, but I can only conclude from the information that is available to me as secretary-general, that the Members of the United Nations have perhaps ten years left in which to subordinate their ancient quarrels and launch a global partnership to curb the arms race, to improve the human environment, to diffuse the population explosion, and to supply the required momentum to development efforts. If such a global partnership is not forged within the next decade, then I very much fear that the problems I have mentioned will have reached such staggering proportions that they will be beyond our capacity to control (Meadows, page 13).

Over thirty years later, humanity continues to grapple with these issues: eight nations possess, or are believed to possess, nuclear arms (including Iran and North Korea); and global warming is finally becoming recognized as a legitimate issue by governmental agencies. Yet, to my knowledge, there is very little concern over the global population. A visit to the Harvard Coop, a respectable bookstore in Cambridge, only holds two volumes on the subject: 1) Malthus’ An Essay on the Principle of Population and, 2) Limits to Growth: The 30-Year Update by Meadows et al. And a search on Google for “global warming” produces nearly 6.5 times more hits than a search for “population growth” (and that’s just population growth in general, not just human growth)!

This blog will be entirely dedicated to this issue of human population growth, but only through the lens of biology. While there’s plenty to be said about the effects of culture upon population growth (e.g., the effects of the economy, governmental legislations, pregnancy fads, just to name a few), I’m primarily interested in the evolutionary aspects of human population growth. Are there any particular evolutionary traits that are unique to humans that have helped us to conquer the entire planet? If so, what does that tell us about how we live, and where we are going in the future? Hopefully, in the end, we’ll better understand how we became The Colonizing Ape….

You are what your mother eats: evidence for maternal preconception diet influencing foetal sex in humans.

This is an amazing finding, supposing that it's repeatable and statistically significant.... Scientists have found that, with a bit of tongue and cheek, "you are what your mother eats." Mothers who had a high calorie diet at conception were more likely to have male children than mothers who had a lower calorie diet. There doesn't seem to be a correlation between offspring sex and energy intake *during* pregnancy, however. They conclude that this finding supports the hypothesis that males, which are apparently especially "costly," would be expected to be born in environments with higher resource quantity and quality.

This also might make sense in context of territoriality. Wilson (year?) found that territoriality in male chimpanzees evolved as a mechanism to increase a group's food supply, which correlates with greater fecundity. More food -> more male offspring -> more territoriality -> more food. An interesting feedback loop model.

Mathews, F. (2008). You are what your mother eats: evidence for maternal preconception diet influencing foetal sex in humans. Proceedings of the Royal Society.
Facultative adjustment of sex ratios by mothers occurs in some animals, and has been linked to resource availability. In mammals, the search for consistent patterns is complicated by variations in mating systems, social hierarchies and litter sizes. Humans have low fecundity, high maternal investment and a potentially high differential between the numbers of offspring produced by sons and daughters: these conditions should favour the evolution of facultative sex ratio variation. Yet little is known of natural mechanisms of sex allocation in humans. Here, using data from 740 British women who were unaware of their foetus's gender, we show that foetal sex is associated with maternal diet at conception. Fifty six per cent of women in the highest third of preconceptional energy intake bore boys, compared with 45% in the lowest third. Intakes during pregnancy were not associated with sex, suggesting that the foetus does not manipulate maternal diet. Our results support hypotheses predicting investment in costly male offspring when resources are plentiful. Dietary changes may therefore explain the falling proportion of male births in industrialized countries. The results are relevant to the current debate about the artificial selection of offspring sex in fertility treatment and commercial ‘gender clinics’.

MOUSE PLAGE OF 1993: Mice have a biochemical clock that limits environmental resource exhaustion.

Here’s a story of population growth that puts the biological aspect of human population growth into perspective:

In 1993, southern Australia was splashed with a heavy dose of rainfall that was a welcome relief to farmers. Crops thrived and livestock put on pounds of meat that were desperately needed after years of drought. Soon after, however, a plague of house mice infested the countryside. Videos of the plague show mice literally pouring out of barn doors, escaping the swift kicks of angry Australians as a swarm of gnats might avoid a swipe of a hand. The population growth of the mice was so rapid, and the grain supply relatively low, that mice began to feed on livestock. Photos show sore spots on the backs of pigs, where mice began to gnaw on living pork. With every passing day, the mice ate approximately 20% of their body weight of wheat, vegetables, and raw meat, for a total of a quarter pound of food per month on average.

After six months, the government finally stepped in with the largest pest control project to date. Risking the possibility or ecological catastrophe, rat poison was released upon the countryside from the back of fertilizer trucks and propeller planes. Within days, an estimated 100,000,000 mice had been eliminated, and total of 500,000 tons of grain had been destroyed by the mice: a tonnage great enough to feed the entire state of Utah for four years. Not including damages to private residences, the toll of the plague was estimated to be $70,000,000 in lost revenue from the crops. In the years since, scientists have been studying the population fluctuations of the Australian house mice, hoping to be able to anticipate the next infestation.

Their research has produced surprising hypotheses. Prior to the studies, it was assumed that there was a direct “if A, therefore B” relationship between the food supply and the mouse population. An increased food supply would allow mice to consume more, rear more offspring, and enjoy higher reproductive success. In essence, the restraining bar on the population would be lifted by the surplus of food, allowing the mice population to flood the Australian countryside. However, this is not what research has found.

After controlling for immigration from external populations, focal study populations of house mice were exposed to volumes of food and water that were greater than what would normally be found in the Australian outback. Scientists found that there was no statistically significant immediate response to the increased supplies. The mice enjoyed the food, and had slightly larger broods, but the brood sizes hadn’t grown enough to explain the huge explosion of rodents in 1993 (Ylönen, 2003). What was the explanation for this?

The scientists found that there appears to be a “biological memory” within the mice that can remember previous plagues for up to two years (Brown, 1999). Although the specific biochemical mechanisms are unknown, scientists hypothesize that mice inhibit spontaneous population growth by having an internal catalyst rather than an external one. If mouse populations were sparked into immediate growth by external events such as torrential rains or copious amounts of grain, the population booms would put food supplies at risk of a rapid extinction. Mice would literally starve future generations with their own short-term gluttony. An internal biochemical clock, however, allows mice populations to wait until food supplies return to sustainable levels. The plague erupts, reaches a crescendo, and the population shrinks, resetting the clock. After a few years, the ecosystem has returned to sustainable levels, food supply is high, and the mouse population can boom again.

What does this have to do with human population growth? Well, let's hope I get around to that...

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Video of Human Population Growth

I remember seeing this video in 2000, when I was a gangly freshman in high school. Eight years later, I'm still gangly and blown away by this video. (Don't let the bad scripting and video quality fool you).


Brown, PR (1999). Rate of increase as a function of rainfall for house mouse Mus domesticus populations in a cereal-growing region in southern Australia. Journal of Applied Ecology, 36, 4.

Mathews, F. (2008). You are what your mother eats: evidence for maternal preconception diet influencing foetal sex in humans. Proceedings of the Royal Society.

Meadows, et al (2004) "Limits of Growth: the 30-Year Update." Chelsea Green Publishing Company, White River Junction, VT.

Ylönen, H (2003). Is reproduction of the Australian house mouse (mus domesticus) constrained by food? A large-scale field experiment. Oecologia, 135, 3

For video of the mouse infestation, visit:

Wells and Stock (2007)“The Biology of the Colonizing Ape” Yearbook of Physical Anthropology, 50: 191.